
Pantomimteatern is a free touring theater group. The theatre was founded in 1977 by the first cohort of mime students at Statens Dansskola, including Bo W Lindström who is still actively involved in the theatre. Until 1992, the activities at the theatre reached a wide network of both children and adults. Bosse’s love for children's theater has shaped much of what Pantomimteatern is today, and our focus since then has been on children and youth, though many of our productions are also appreciated by an adult audience.

Our point of departure is movement - body language - and we work towards developing mime as an art form both in Sweden and the world. The artistic form is completely focused on the non-verbal - it rests on the interplay between mime, movement, music and scenography. Sometimes our productions make use of video, puppets, masks, and shadow theatre. The content of our productions is equally important as its form. We choose topical themes that the audience identify with - be it love, sorrow, exclusion, or injustice - all seen from a child’s perspective. We believe that no subject is too difficult, so long as it is produced in a thoughtful, well researched manner. Our goal is to strengthen self-esteem and stimulate the imagination of our audience. We have developed a form that we call mime-drama and work across genres such as dance, circus, clowning, and puppetry.

We play at preschools, schools for individuals with functional variations, as well as schools for newly immigrated individuals and families. We play throughout Sweden and in the world because we believe that art should be for everyone!